Dive! Dive! Dive!

Dive! Dive! Dive!

A few days ago, my husband and I watched a submarine movie. I realized how the submarine, with its inevitable dive to the bottom, is a perfect metaphor for some of the energy we’ve been experiencing lately. For some time, many of us have felt compelled to dive deep...
Shake it Up, Baby!

Shake it Up, Baby!

Earlier in the week I tuned into the energy of the Solstice and was shown a flower slowly unfolding, unfurling its petals. I understood it to be the flowering of everything we’ve been setting up this entire year (or for lifetimes–only the soul knows). The...
Traveling at the Speed of Soul

Traveling at the Speed of Soul

Spirit is communicating fast and furious these days. Yesterday started with another unplanned meditation that began in the shower and continued later before I’d even had time to get organized for the day. I saw myself in the middle of space, standing on a...
From Sparks to Singularities

From Sparks to Singularities

This morning I woke with the certainty that something significant had changed. Again. I knew I’d hop into meditation as soon as I finished breakfast and grabbed some tea. Before I was even seated, my meditation showed up, grabbed my arm, and we were off and...
Embrace Your Inner Starfish

Embrace Your Inner Starfish

The humble starfish is getting into the act, helping me understand my evolution and the evolution so many of us are experiencing. While walking one of my dogs a few weeks ago, I saw a stunning cloud formation. It reminded me of a spiral starfish with three visible...
Are You Ready to Receive?

Are You Ready to Receive?

Not long ago I listened to a talk by Dr. Scott Mills about the various games we play in our lives. “Games” meaning our perceptions, mindsets or approaches to life. He said that in one of these games, the Gratitude Game, we can learn to fully receive. That phrase took...
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